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Peruvian Necklace 01

Peruvian Necklace 01

Regular price $33.00
Regular price Sale price $33.00
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Check out our special necklace from Peru! It's made with pieces of bull horn, bright red and black huayruro seeds, and soft small feathers.
Crafted by talented artisans, this necklace mixes strong bull horn with lucky seeds and feathers to create something really unique and beautiful.Wearing this necklace is like carrying a piece of Peru with you.

The bull horn shows strength, the huayruro seeds are for good luck, and the feathers add a touch of nature. It's not just pretty to look at; it's full of meaning and stories from Peru.When you pick this necklace, you also help the artisans in Peru who made it.

It's a way to show off their amazing work and keep their traditions alive. Plus, you get a cool piece that stands out and brings a bit of Peru's spirit to your style.

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